NOTICE: Due to COVID-19, all live studies are on hold until further notice.

Visual Perception Research


Thank you for your interest in our study on color and visual perception of graphically-rich content for computer displays.

To participate in this study you must meet the following basic requirements:

  • You must be 18 years of age or older.
  • You must have access to a desktop computer or mobile device.
  • You must have a reliable internet connection in order to participate in any experiment, test, or survey here.
  • You must have a legitimate email address, because:
    • Your email will be your user name,
    • Your email is used for verification,
    • Each test requires a "start key" that is emailed to you.
  • You must be able to read and understand English.
  • Low vision, impaired vision, and normal vision may participate in these experiments, so long as you can operate the computer or mobile device yourself, without assistance.
  • If your impairment is so severe you need assistance, and you are in Southern California, we may be able to accomodate you in a private study session.
  • By participating in the study(s) you agree to keep the exact nature of the experiments you participate in confidential.

Please read the following notices, and click the checkbox indicating you've read each one. Then fill out the form with your email address & desired password and submit.

A verification email will be sent to you with an activation code and a link to the study, survey, test, or experiment.



Strictly Confidential

We recognize the importance of your privacy, so any personally identifying data such as your IP address will be strictly confidential.

Further, all research reports and data studies will have identifying data removed and replaced with anonymous IDs (such as a test-subject serial number). We will never ask for any sensitive personal identification such as your Social Security number.

Contact Information

The only semi-identifying information we will ask for is your email-address, as that will be your username, and is required for verification and for initializing each experiment you participate in.

Your password will be stored as a "hash" so that even the researchers will not be able to view it. As such, your password cannot be retrieved if lost so please keep it in a safe place. We do have a procedure to reset a lost or compromised password. We recommend using a unique password that is not used anywhere else.

If you choose to become involved in the optional extended study, we may request another means of contact such as a phone or Skype number. The extended studies may have additional informed consent and privacy policies.

Demographic Data

Because vision is substantially affected by age and general health, we will be asking some questions relating to age, gender, general health, occupation, race/national origin, and regarding any vision impairments or family history of vision impairments. This information will only be associated with your test-subject serial number.

There will be no searchable database of any of this information available online, and you will be able to view or edit your information only when you are logged into your account on our secure servers. Studies using the collected data will be conducted offline, using secure computers, and the raw data will not accessible via the internet nor any other public network.

Data for Research Use Only

The data collected will only be used for research, primarily related to vision, perception, impairments, and related topics. We will never reveal nor distribute your email address or personally identifying information to any entity not involved in research.

To track your progress, we do use simple cookies identified with prefixes such as "MPE" or "WPE". Using cookies is required to enable authentication and interaction between your computer and the test application. These cookies are not used by any other entity and you are free to delete the cookies after completing a trial sequence, nevertheless they will expire on their own.



What This Is

This study is collecting data on how individuals perceive certain visual stimuli such as text or images, when displayed on a computer monitor or mobile device like a smart phone or tablet — in simple terms, we are measuring how "readable" a webpage or computer application may be, and how easy it is to work with and understand the visual information on the screen. We are interested in both normal vision and people with visual impairments.

What's Involved?

You will be viewing and/or interacting with graphics and/or text as displayed on a computer monitor or mobile device. In some cases this will be in the form of simple games, or may involve tasks including reading, responding to multiple choice questions, commenting through a survey or questionnaire, or a combination of these and related similar tasks.

To participate in the public study, you need a computer or suitable mobile device (smart phone or tablet) and a reliable internet connection to connect to the automated study server.

How Data Will Be Used

The data gathered in the study will be aggregated and analyzed for the purpose of recommending new standards for graphics and displays with the primary aim of improving accessibility, readability, and general usability for those with vision impairments. A secondary goal is improving the understanding and needs of all users, including those with normal vision and all forms of low vision and vision impairments.

Completely Voluntary

Your participation is completely voluntary, and you are free to end your involvement at any time and without any obligations or consequences.

The specific study you are signing up for will be conducted using automated software on a web page, which you will access using your own computers or mobile devices.

The amount of data transfer is typically very minimal, depending on the specific experiment (anticipated to be much less than a megabyte). You are solely responsible for any data fees or costs associated with participating that may be charged by your data service provider. As the data transfers are typically small (similar or less than "surfing the web") we would expect these to be part of most data plans — but as this experiment is being conducted world-wide, we can not anticipate all possible scenarios, and only your service provider can answer questions regarding data costs.

Risks and Safety

We don't foresee any significant risks in taking these tests other than what you would normally experience using a computer or mobile device. As such, do not attempt to take any test or experiment here while operating a vehicle or heavy machinery. These studies do require a certain amount of focus to participate, and therefore would distract substantially from driving. Similarly, you should be comfortably seated in an area free from distractions while participating in the experiments.

Time Commitment

The amount of time required for each experiment or experimental group will vary from a few minutes to as much as half an hour. You will be told an estimated time of completion before beginning the test or experiment.

For these public trials, you will be on your own and unsupervised. You may end an individual experiment session at any time, however if you do all answers for that session may be disregarded, and you'll need to restart from the beginning if you wish to complete that particular trial or experiment.

Optional Continued Involvement

As there are multiple experiments and trials on a continuing basis, and as we are looking to gather data from multiple environments and device types, your continued involvement is encouraged.

However, if you are going to be involved in more than one experimental test run, we do ask that you please use the same account and login information.

Please do not create multiple accounts.

If you are in the Southern California area (specifically Los Angeles/Hollywood), and you have certain visual impairments, there may be additional studies in a controlled environment. Some studies will involve a researcher coming to you with a portable computer, and other studies will have you come to a research location in the Hollywood area. You will have an opportunity to opt-in after completing the first experiment.

Benefits of Participation

By participating, you are adding valuable data on visual perception that will ultimately help shape the future standards for design and presentation of text and graphics on computer monitors and mobile devices.

These future standards will be designed to help the designers of Web and Computers Applications make them easier to use, easier to read, and more accessible to all. If you have a visual impairment, your participation will be particularly helpful is setting appropriate standards intended to make the Web more accessible for you.

Questions or Concerns

If you have any questions or concerns, your registration email will contain a contact for this study to help answer questions or receive feedback. The experiments themselves will typically also have a form for comments you may wish to make.

Thank You! Please Share

Thank you again for your participation in this public study. While we respectfully request that you do not divulge the methods or content of any of the experiments or tests, we do encourage you to share the main page URL with your friends and social media, as we need as many people adding honest data to the study as possible.

Please share the following landing page URL with your friends:

New Participant Application

Enter a Unique Password of at Least 8 Characters
Re-Enter Password to confirm

A verification email will be sent to you with an activation code and a link to the first experiment for you to complete.

Watch for the email in your in-box as it will be sent immediately and the activation link expires in 72 hours. If you do not receive it, check your spam folder for mail from "", and/or add to your whitelist if necessary.

If your email provider uses "greylisting", then the message may be delayed for a short time, but should eventually appear in your inbox. If you have not received the email in 24 hours, then you may click here for a manual enrollment form.


  • Recent experiments include creating and evaluating novel algorithms for programatic perceptual contrast prediction.
  • Ambient lighting effects on emissive displays and the relationship to light adaptation.
  • Font size and luminance contrast interrelationships in real-world environments.
  • Comparisons of existing world standards on visual contrast and accessibility.

Myndex Technologies PerceptEx Main Page
This includes a discussion of the factors that
were the genesis of this study.